King Louis XIII from OCPC Medical Marijuana Review

King Louis XIII from OCPC Medical Marijuana Review

King Louis XIII is one of those strains that is one the menu of any dispensary worth its salt.  A classic, its genetics point directly to an indica base.  Many growers believe it to possess partial OG Kush genetics or possibly even be an OG Kush phenotype.  Determining genetic parenting can get murky, especially when the much beloved and, therefore, cross-bred OG Kush comes into play, whose own genetics are largely unclear.  During my exploration of the grow boards, I even heard one rather ridiculous story that this strain was King Louis of France’s favorite strain, given to him as a trophy after the war of 1808, though I see that anecdote as highly unlikely.

The sensuous profile of this strain is all pine and spice, with a potent skunk follow.  It is “THE” smell I think of when I think of marijuana.  I am instantly reminded of when I first started smoking pot and the smell was still new to me.  The green hit mirrors the pine, while the exhale is all earthy spice, like juniper and rich hazelnut.  It was a bit harsh in the throat, made even more noticeable after reviewing a bowl of a lighter sativa. Speaking of sativas, King Louis XIII is sativa like in its bud structure, though it was left a bit leafy.  And what is this?  A seed!  I’ll be saving that for later.  Overall, this is a high quality grow that could use a better trim.

More than any other effect, I found King Louis XIII to be surprisingly sedative, necessary in any anti-anxiety medication.  A zoned out head high adds to this relaxation, since it removes the mind from all worries.  I normally go straight for sativas for my stress alleviation, and I even had some great sativa choices on hand this week.  But several times, even during the day, I reached past them to grab my jar of King Louis XIII.  Its sedative manner simply attracted me when I was overwhelmed by work.  I also found it to offer relief from minor aches and pains and excellent reprieve from insomnia when used late at night.